Friday, August 13, 2010

iPhones, Sex, and Choosing the Right Smart Phone

Earlier this week, AppleInsider reported that the online dating site OK Cupid published the results of an interesting online poll.  The poll concluded that of OK Cupid site members in their 30's, who own Smart Phones, iPhone owners have more notches on their bedposts than Android or Blackberry users.  Of course, this is the kind of information that sends me into 'deep thoughts'.  (No, not about iPhone owners having more sex partners.  I'm a tech guy.  Get rid of your naughty thoughts!)  What I started thinking about was the observation I've made several times over the last few months, 'that not all Smart Phones are a fit for all people'.  I firmly believe our mobile devices have to fit our needs, our circle of technology, then fit our personal preferences.
Bend your mind around the fact that we have so much technology in our lives today.  Think about what you have at home: DVR, TiVo, HDTV, Desktop, personal laptop, netbooks, iPads, mp3 players, GPS, work computer,  home security systems, webcams, websites, webhosting...the list goes on.  We're more connected than ever before. Smart Phones allow us to take this list of items on the road with us.  iPhone, Android, Windows Mobile, Blackberry.....which one should you choose?

If you are only using your device for business, with very little personal use, BlackBerry (BB) or Windows Mobile (WM) phones are a good choice.  These phones are built to support small business and the Enterprise.  With a large selection of hardware and a plethora of business Apps available, these phones are designed to sync seamlessly with work networks.  When a WM device connects to a Microsoft Exchange (e-mail) network, because the software managing everything is made by Microsoft, the transfer and access of information is generally easy to set up and use.  They are made to work together.   On the BB side, the handheld devices are fast and have great battery life due to the proprietary technology that Research In Motion (RIM) employs to push your mail securely and quickly to you while on the go. 

Now, if you're heavy into Social Networking and use your phone mostly as a personal device, then Android or iPhone are the way to go.  In my opionion, you can't go wrong with either type of mobile phone.  If you want to watch your home DVR, both Android and iPhone support SlingPlayer Mobile, a tasty little App that accesses your home entertainment equipment over both Wi-Fi and 3G.  (For the record, BB can also access SlingPlayer Mobile.)  Also, there are numerous Apps in the iTunes App Store and Android Market that offer supporting Apps for all your social networking needs, such as Apps that allow you to access and integrate your Facebook contacts into your phone contacts. 

Must you have a physical keyboard?   For the person that just needs to feel the keys, BB is the device for you, hands down. Apple and Google have gone a long way in improving touch screen keyboards, but some users simply need the hard key feedback. WM physical keyboards, in my experience, tend to be sluggish.  We'll see if keyboard response improves with the release of Windows Phone 7 this Autumn.  BB is king of mobile device keyboard responsiveness and noone else fits as many functions on a mobile keyboard as the maker of BlackBerry, Research in Motion.

If you're the type of person who will use their Smart Phone for both personal and business purposes, (Do you see my hand raised?  I knew you could...) then you should choose either the iPhone or an Android device.  If you create a lot of content, Android, with its seamless integration with Google Apps and Google Docs along with removable storage (SD Cards), makes managinging data quick and easy.  On the iPhone side, the App Store is filled with useful Apps to make your life easier and have your tech with you on the go.  Though a few more steps are needed if you quickly want to get information on or off your device, no other mobile device has come up with a better media experience than is found on the iPhone and the integrated iPod.  And speaking of Apps, Google and Apple have little competition on the sheer number and selection of Apps available.  I mean, I Am T-Pain is one of the greatest Apps ever made!  And did you know you don't have to have an iPhone 4 to have a great live video experience.  Before there was FaceTime, there was Knocking Live, which currently is only available on iPhone and Android.  Choosing a Smart Phone is a very personal experience.  Ask your friends.  Check out all the types of phones.  What technology do you already own and which Apps can access that technology?  Is customization your thing, or do you want it to 'just work?  Is any of this important to you?  Which Apps do your friends use the most?  Check the weight.  Kick the tires.  Do your research and you will find a Smart Phone that fits into your circle of technology and makes your life more efficient on the go.  And most importantly, don't forget.....iPhone owners get more sex partners.....

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