Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Winny's Quick Tip: Editing Playlists On iOS Devices

So, as you know, every now and again I get a little ornery and need to pick up some new tunes to match my mood. What you may not know is your TechBender has a plethora of interests outside of tech gadgets, including Triathlon, Weight Lifting, Acoustic Guitar, Endurance Coaching, reading good fiction....the list goes on and on. Why do I bring this up? Well, one of the athletes I coach is contemplating a half marathon next February, which made me start thinking. (Uh oh. Winny is thinking again.)

Now, the TechBender is not one to walk away from a physical challenge and started contemplating the possibility of running in said race next year. And of course he mused about finding some fresh music to listen to while training for the race over the winter months. He'll need some good tunes to get him out of a warm bed to endure the cold runs.

After checking out some music videos on the Vevo App and picking up Willow Smith's new single Whip My Hair for the mini-TechBenders, I discovered Ke$ha's album Animal. After downloading two tracks using his iPhone, the TechBender immediately wanted to add them to his Run Playlist. And now he's sharing this tip with you. The TechBender knows you like learning new things. So here you are boys and girls, I'm breaking off some knowledge for ya'!


Simply navigate to the iPod App, choose the appropriate playlist and touch 'Edit'. Next tap the '+' symbol in the upper left corner and scroll to the track you want to add to your Playlist. Touch the track, then tap 'Done' at the top of the screen. You'll then be back at the 'Edit' screen.

If you'd like to change the order of songs, simply touch and hold the three lines on the right of any song. You'll see the song lift off the screen, then drag it to the position you'd like in your Playlist. Once you have the tracks in the appropriate order for your listening pleasure, scroll to the top of the screen, or double-tap the top of the screen, then touch 'Done'.

That's it. You've now edited a Playlist, on the fly, right on your Apple device. This technique works with iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad. Don't forget to sync your iDevice so the media you purchased is backed up on your computer. Enjoy and happy editing!

Disclaimer: Your TechBender apologizes for referencing himself in the 3rd person so heavily in this post. It's late and he's a bit delirious.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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